Important Note: Builders who wish to qualify for the RBC Green Home Mortgage and have multiple sites must provide a letter issued by enerQuality for each site to RBC, along with a list of enrollments. Please inform us in advance to obtain the necessary letter for each site.
The RBC® Green Home Mortgage Program
Are you a builder committed to constructing energy-efficient homes? We have an exciting opportunity for you! Team up with RBC and unlock a range of benefits through the RBC Green Home Mortgage* program, designed to support builders like you in creating sustainable communities across Canada.
Benefits of the RBC Green Home Mortgage program & why builders should construct energy-efficient homes:
How do you know if a home is a “Green” or energy-efficient home?
EnerQUALITY supports builders who are interested in becoming ENERGY STAR for new homes and CHBA Net Zero licenced builders. We also provide certification for homes, showcasing to RBC the builder's unwavering commitment to energy reduction. This not only benefits the environment but also translates to reduced operating costs for your clients.
Get started today!
Are you ready to take your sustainable building projects to the next level? If you’d like to know if your homes qualify, contact our team to learn more about the exclusive benefits of partnering with RBC through the RBC Green Home Mortgage program. Let's work together to create a greener, more sustainable future for all.
If you have any questions please reach out to Lenette Birdsell at lenette.birdsell@rbc.com, You can also contact your RBC Mortgage Specialist for more details.
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