CHBA Towards Net Zero Renos Bootcamp - Wellington County - EnerQuality

CHBA Towards Net Zero Renos Bootcamp – Wellington County

Education CHBA Towards Net Zero Renos Bootcamp – Wellington County

CHBA Net Zero Renos Bootcamp Banner

CHBA is delivering this NRCan funded “Towards Net Zero Renos” project to Wellington County and is looking to build capacity throughout the home building construction industry to respond to demand for deep energy retrofits, Net Zero Energy, and Net Zero Energy Ready renovations. The scope of existing building stock is not only expansive but an increasing focal point for energy and emission reductions.

This Net Zero Renos Bootcamp offers highly intensive CHBA Net Zero training for those eager to be involved in this growing sector. The Bootcamp provides the full CHBA Net Zero Builder and CHBA Net Zero Renovator curriculum in 2 packed (in person) days! In addition, the course includes an introduction and application module on use of the Integrated Design Process in a Part 9 renovation setting.

Pre-requisite – The Net Zero Renos Bootcamp will build on the foundation of the pre-requisite Advanced Building Science (ABS) training.

Course Content:

CHBA Towards Net Zero Bootcamp – December 14 & 15

This in-person course provides the full CHBA Net Zero Builder and Net Zero Renovator curriculum in TWO packed DAYS! Attendees will review the Net Zero/Ready design principles, equipment options, emerging technologies, and construction practices and learn to identify the performance gap between “existing” homes and new net zero homes. The course also includes how to use the Integrated Design Process to optimize your Part 9 renovations – saving time and costs on your path to Net Zero Energy!

*This is a 2-part course, taking place December 14 & 15 in-person at the Mount Forest Leisure Centre in Mont Forest, ON. Timing each day is 8:00 am – 5:00 pm EDT. In order to qualify to take both the NZ Builder and NZ Renovator exam,  students are required to attend both days of the training, and pass the post-course exams.

Course Modules:

  • Unparalleled building science technical preparation for building Net Zero and Net Zero Ready homes based on the CHBA Net Zero Version 1 Standard
  • The ability to efficiently design and plan homes that meet the program standard
  • Practical understanding of how to build homes using cost-effective technologies which are already available
  • Tips to successfully market and sell a Net Zero home by one of Canada’s most-seasoned experts

Entry to a community of builders who will receive ongoing, practical information on the development of the program.


Completion of the 2-half day Advanced Building Science training course is a pre-requisite for the Net Zero Bootcamp (NZ Builder and NZ Renovator)


  • Andrew Oding

    Andy Oding

    Vice President, Building Knowledge Canada

    Andrew is the Past-Chair of the CHBA Net Zero Housing Council and Vice chair of the CHBA Technical Research Committee (TRC).

    Andrew is a recognized building science trainer with the Government of Canada-Office of Energy Efficiency, Building Science Specialist (University of Toronto), a Certified Energy Evaluator (CEE), LEED Accredited Professional (AP) and mechanical designer.

    Andrew and the Building Knowledge Team work with builders, building officials, manufacturers and trades across Canada and in the U.S. providing building science support and training, energy code compliance, volunteer program compliance (ENERGY STAR®®®, Net Zero Home, LEED , R2000,etc).


For more information, contact the EnerQuality Training team,