Once again, the Ontario building industry is leading the way in building innovation.
Eleven years after the launch of ENERGY STAR® for New Homes, serving the low-rise residential industry, EnerQuality is collaborating with Natural Resources Canada to develop a pilot ENERGY STAR® Multi-Family Buildings Program for mid/high-rise developers.
EnerQuality will be working in partnership with IESO (Independent Electricity System Operator) to help develop and deliver the program to market.
The ENERGY STAR® Multi-Family Buildings Program will target new construction, focusing on Part 3 buildings, defined as buildings that exceed 600 square metres in building area or three storeys with major occupancies.
In 2005, the voluntary ENERGY STAR® for New Homes labelling program was developed and piloted for the Canadian market through a partnership between NRCan, EQ and other stakeholders. Homes labelled under this program are on average 20% more energy efficient than typical Code-built ones.
The ENERGY STAR® Multi-Family Buildings Program will help the Government of Canada meet its greenhouse gas targets, reduce consumers’ energy costs, create skilled jobs and stimulate innovation in the housing sector.
EnerQuality and the design team will be adapting the U.S. ENERGY STAR® Multifamily High Rise Program to meet Canadian requirements by the end of 2017. The pilot program is scheduled to launch in early 2018.
For more information,
Kain Allicock, EnerQuality