Golara Mehrpour, born & raised in Shiraz, Iran, moved to Canada in September 2013, and has just joined EnerQuality as our new QA program coordinator.
After a high school and university career intimidating opposing teams as a basketball champion, Golara got her BA in English Language Translating and studied music, art, sketching and architecture in technical schools before emigrating to Canada.
Graduating in June 2017 from the Architectural Technology Program at George Brown College, she was immediately drawn to building science. “Coming from a country that is in danger of loosing its natural resources, I believe it is crucial for everyone to feel responsible for their environment and to contribute to protecting it. I am very enthusiastic about what I am doing as a program coordinator. It makes me feel good thinking that I part of a team contributing to protecting the environment.”
Golara lives in Vaughan with her husband and they both like travelling, seeing nature and spending time with friends and family. “The more one sees, listens and reads, the better person one becomes and the larger one positively impacts” is her motto.
She highly recommends visiting Shiraz, a city known for poetry (the hometown of poets Hafiz & Saadi), handicrafts (the ancient inlaying art of Khatam and Persian rugs) and of course the world-famous grape – though Golara loves Niagara wines and admits they are almost as good as Shiraz’!
Golara can be reached at golara@enerquality.ca. Why not drop her a note and introduce yourself?
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