Every year, EnerQuality has celebrated the very best in Ontario’s homebuilding industry through the annual EQ Awards. This year, our celebrations were put on hold as the entire planet came to grips with COVID-19.
Just like you, EnerQuality has adapted to meet today’s challenges. Our events have been re-imagined for the online world and have already met with success. That’s why I’m very excited to make this announcement!
Mark your calendars: the EQ Awards will be presented as a Virtual Experience on Tuesday, September 22 from 1:30-2:30 PM. An online networking lunch will be held between 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, too.
Registration is now open on the EnerQuality Awards Page. With the help of our Partner and Sponsor community, we will be making registrations completely free.
We invite you to help celebrate the best in Ontario’s home building industry and spread the word using our official social media handle #EQAwards.
We will be re-open our Award Nominations for three weeks, closing Sunday, July 19 at midnight.
Ontarians faced these extraordinary circumstances head-on, preparing quickly and responsibly. Much of this preparation took place in the final stretch of the awards submission period and EnerQuality staff fielded many requests extensions. Now that we have confirmed our new date, we will temporarily and briefly reopen awards submissions. There is no change to the original award criteria. You may see the full list of award categories here.
If you have already submitted, thank you. If you wish to revise your award nomination, please reach out to Adrian Babrikels Munoz . If you haven’t yet submitted, good luck!
What I’ve witnessed over the past few months has given me hope. We’ve seen regular people come together to help, from frontline workers to caring individuals checking in on the most vulnerable in our communities. The building industry has also made significant contributions.
That’s what we will be celebrating at the awards this year: those individuals and companies that are making an impact, be it social, environmental, and everything in between.
Please stay tuned over the coming weeks as we share details about our exciting program. You will find it entertaining, exciting, informative, and above all, inspiring!
Stay ahead with the latest updates and insights.